Ambassador class

Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Used by Starfleet
Classification Multi-mission explorer
Operational phase by 2305-
Ships constructed Many
Description Large starship class introduced at the beginning of the 24th century, that has been constructed for almost 50 years with only slight changes in design and technology. Being a successor of the Excelsior class, the Ambassador class is classified as multi-mission explorer. Vessels of this class are used for scientific missions as well as diplomatic missions and battles and therefore have remarkable offensive and defensive capabilities. Its series production being stopped already by 2330, the Ambassador class belongs to the discontinued classes and is now mostly used for diplomatic missions. The former tasks of these vessels are taken on by the more modern and even bigger Galaxy class ships, that were designed to be the successors of this class.
Ships constructed
Name                  Registry number Comissioned Used until
USS Ambassador (prototype) NCC-10521 by 2305
USS Horatio NCC-10532 by 2305 2364
USS Zhukov NCC-26136 2310s
USS Valdemar NCC-26198 2310s
USS Yamaguchi NCC-26510 2310s
USS Excalibur NCC-26517 2310s
USS Exeter NCC-26531 2310s
USS Gandhi NCC-26632 2310s
USS Adelphi NCC-26849 2310s
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C 2330 2344
by 2305 The Ambassador class prototype, the USS Ambassador, is commissioned.
Technical specifications
Dimensions Length 526 m, width 317 m, height 130 m
Mass 3.71 Mt
Structure Circular saucer section, primary section with two warp nacelles
Deck count 38
Computer systems duotronic, since 2329 isolinear
Propulsion systems
   Warp drive Warp core for M/AM power generation
2 warp nacelles
   Impulse drive 2 impulse engines
   Maneuvering drive RCS thrusters
Weapon systems Phasers, photon torpedo launchers
Defensive systems Deflector shields
Other systems Tractor beam emitters
