New Orleans class

Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Used by Starfleet
Type Frigate
Operational phase 2340s-
Ships constructed some
Description In the middle 24th century, this class of of small starships was introduced as a successor of the Renaissance class whose production was stopped in 2337. In order to keep the costs low, some components of the Ambassador class were re-used in the New Orleans class and some were designed according to the specifications of the  Galaxy class which was in design stage at that time. In the end of the 2350s no further ships of the New Orleans class have been produced anymore, however, many of these frigates are still in use.
Ships constructed
Name                        Registry number Commissioned Used until
USS New Orleans (prototype) 2340s
USS Rutledge NCC-57295 2340s
USS Renegade NCC-63102 2350s
USS Kyushu NCC-65491 2350s 2367
USS Thomas Paine NCC-65530 2350s
2340s  The prototype of the New Orleans class, the USS New Orleans, is commissioned.
Technical specifications
Dimensions Length 360 m, width 258 m
Mass unknown
Structure Saucer section with stationary phaser cannon, and a drive section with 2 warp nacelles
Deck count unknown
Computer systems Isolinear
Propulsion systems Warp drive, impulse drive, maneuvering drive
Armament Phaser cannon, photon torpedo launcher
Defensive systems Deflector shield
Other systems Tractor beam emitter
