Prometheus class

Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Used by Starfleet
Type Escort
Ships constructed 1
Description The Prometheus class is small, comparable with the Intrepid class, and was commissioned in the late 24th century. Being used for escort and battle missions, ships of this class are equipped with regenerative shielding, an ablative armor similiar to that of the Defiant class and have an unique multi-vector attack separation capability, which is an advancement of the Galaxy class' saucer separation function. This experimental tactical device permits a separation into several autonomous ships followed by the assault formation of the these single "parts".
Ships constructed
Name    Registry number Commissioned Used until
USS Prometheus (prototype) NX-59650 2374
2374  The prototype of the class, the USS Prometheus, is tested successfully in deep space. The project itself is delayed when the ship is seized by Romulans, however, the prototype is finally recaptured.
Dimensions Length 400 m
Mass unknown
Structure Triangular-elliptical saucer section and a drive section to which four primary and, in the assault mode, two secondary warp nacelles are attached.  The Prometheus class has the capability to separate and proceed into multivector attack formation
Deck count unknown
Computer systems Isolinear
Propulsion systems Warp drive, impulse drive, maneuvering drive
Armament Phasers, photon torpedoes
Defensive systems Regenerative shielding, ablative armor, multivector attack mode
