Defiant class

Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Used by Starfleet
Classification Escort
Construction phase 2366-69
Operational phase 2370-
Construction yard Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards (Mars)
Ships constructed 4
Description Experimental starship class equipped with the latest technologies, originally constructed to fight against the Borg. After the prototype, the USS Defiant (the only Defiant class vessel to be equipped with a cloaking device), had proved to be successful in the fight against the Dominion in 2373, the series production of the class started. Due to its small size, the unequalled maneuverability and the powerful engines the Defiant class vessels are mainly used as escorts or scouts. Moreover, because of the unusually high defensive potential, they can get through almost every attack without any problems.
Ships constructed
Name    Registry number Comissioned Used until
USS Defiant (prototype) NX-74205 2370 2375
USS Valiant NCC-74210 2370 2374
USS Defiant (formerly USS Sao Paolo) NCC-75633 2375
2366  After the Borg attack the USS Defiant is planned as an experimental prototype equipped with the newest developments in weapons and propulsion technology, in order to have better chances in case of another Borg attack.
2366-69 The USS Defiant is built in the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in the orbit of Mars under the supervision of Cmd. Benjamin Sisko.
2370 The USS Defiant is comissioned in the Antares Fleet Yards in the Bajor sector.
2373 After the Borg aren't a threat anymore and the USS Defiant has proved itself in the fight against the Dominion, the prototype becomes the class ship of the "Defiant class"; two additonal ships of the same type are comissioned, the USS Valiant being one of them.
Technical specifications
Dimensions Length 120 m
Structure Flat, one-piece hull with two integrated warp nacelles
Deck count 6
Crew complement 47
Computer systems 1 core; isolinear
Propulsion systems
   Warp drive Warp core for M/AM power generation
2 internal warp nacelles
Highest sustainable speed warp 9, Maximum speed warp 9.982
   Impulse drive 2 impulse engines
   Maneuver drive RCS thrusters
Weapon systems Impulse phasers, Quantum torpedo launchers
Defensive systems Deflector shields, ablative armor
Other systems tractor beam emitter, (cloaking device)