Federation scout ship

Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Used by United Federation of Planets
Classification Scout
Operational phase 2370s-
Construction yard San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth
Description Scout ship thas was introduced in the late 24th century to be used in scout missions instead of the Peregrine class vessels, that are actually courier ships. Because of its small size roughly corresponding to the Danube class, the high maneuverability and the powerful engines, the scout ship is optimally adjusted to its mission goals,  reconnaissance and undercover research.
Built ships
Name   Registry number Commissioned Used until
Unknown NCC-75227 2370s
2370s The Federation scout ship is introduced as a new ship type
Technical specifications
Dimensions Length 24.4 m, width 16.2 m
Mass Unknown
Structure Elongated, tapering main hull with two integrated warp nacelles
Deck count 1
Computer systems Isolinear
Propulsion systems
   Warp drive Warp core for M/AM power generation
2 internal warp nacelles
   Impulse drive 2 impulse engines
   Maneuvering drive RCS thrusters
Weapon systems Phasers type VIII
Defensive systems Deflector shields
Other systems Tractor beam emitters
