Jupiter Station

JupiterStation.gif (18892 Byte) JupiterStation.jpg (17902 Byte)
Type Orbital starbase
Classification Research station
Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Supervisor Starfleet
Status Operational
Description The Jupiter Station, which is situated in an orbit around the class J gas giant Jupiter in the Solar System, is one of the biggest research stations of Starfleet in the Federation. The station belongs to the space facilities of Starfleet Research and Development (R & D) and is therefore equipped with a large number of development laboraties, research centers and production plants. However, above all the Jupiter Station, which stands out by its unusual design, is the seat of the Starfleet Holoprogramming Center, that has increasingly gained importance since the important breakthroughs in holography in the middle of the 24th century. In this facility, the development team of holo-engineers around Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, who is often regarded as the father of modern holography, has developed the incredibly sophisticated Emergency Medical Hologram in four versions until now, coming  amazingly close to the boundary of "holographic life". Some projects were carried out in cooperation with other departments of Starfleet, for example the project "Trojan Horse", which includes the development of a micro surveillance and infiltration hologram for Starfleet Intelligence. Basically, the developments of the holoprogramming center and all the other research facilities of the Jupiter Station are of interstellar significance and are used on countless starships, space stations and planetary facilities of Starfleet in the entire Federation.
Galaxy Milky Way

Quadrant Alpha/Beta
Sector 001
System Solar System
Jupiter (5th planet)   
Distances 4.2 AE from Earth
Travelling times
Jupiter Station Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars Space dock, Earth Terraforming Station, Venus
3.7 AE 4.2 AE 4.5 AE
1/4 impulse 8 h 30 min 9 h 42 min 10 h 21 min
1/2 impulse 4 h 15 min 4 h 51 min 5 h 10 min
3/4 impulse 2 h 41 min 3 h 4 min 3 h 16 min
Full impulse 2 h 2 min 2 h 20 min 2 h 29 min
Dimensions Unknown
Mass Unknown
Structure Two identical space stations with three saucer sections each, interconnected by three parallel pylons, the middle one being  connected with two perpendicular pylons with one subspace antenna each.
Main facilities Research- and development facilities
Holoprogramming center
Other facilities Station cafe
Technical specifications
Power supply Fusion reactors
Technical equipment Scientific sensor arrays
Subspace antennas
Holographic imaging systems
Personal and cargo transporters
Defensive systems Unknown


Holoprogramming center
Dr. Lewis Zimmerman Lt. Reginald Barclay
Director 2370-72 Assistant
Medical section
Dr. Caplin
Station neurologist
   Stardate 44001.4 The near Jupiter outpost 92 detects a Borg cube entering  the Solar System. On its way to Earth, the cube passes  Jupiter very closely, and the Jupiter Station is in immediate   danger. However, the cube does not alter course and flies past the gas giant without attack. Borgwürfel passiert Jupiter
2367 The holoprogramming center of the Jupiter Station achieves a breakthrough at the field of holographic imaging

The completion of the hologram Haley, a remarkably real simulation of a human being that is fully aware its existence as a hologram. In the following years, Haley becomes the personal assistant and close friend of the Director for holographic imaging and programming of the station, Dr. Lewis Zimmerman.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman
Late 2360s Dr. Lewis Zimmerman and his development team of holo-engineers starts working on the first holographic project which is planned to be professionally used on hundreds of starships and space stations: an Emergency Medical Hologram, which is supposed to serve as a short term supplement of the medical staff of Starfleet facilities in case of emergency. The hologram incorporates a incredibly sophisticated matrix programmed with the knowledge of countless Federation doctors and over five million medical treatments. Moreover, the hologram is given the ability for social interaction with its patients. For the physical appearance, Dr. Zimmerman chooses himself so that the EMH is practically a reproduction of his own personality. MHN Mark I
2370 The system diagnostics engineer Lt. Reginald Barclay joins Zimmerman team on the Jupiter Station. He is mainly responsible for testing the interpersonal relations of the EMH. Reginald Barclay
In the holoprogramming center of the Jupiter Station, the working on the Emergency Medical Hologram Mark I is finished. The starships of the new Intrepid class are the first one to be equipped with the program, which is permanently  intregrated into the sickbay systems. In the following period, the EMH is installed in hundreds of facilities in the entire Federation, including the new starships of the Sovereign class in 2372. Krankenstation der Intrepid Klasse
2372 Lt. Barclay leaves the development team of Dr. Zimmerman and the Jupiter Station to serve aboard the new USS Enterprise-E. Reginald Barclay
The development team of the holoprogramming center of the Jupiter Station encounters a major setback, when Starfleet Medical decides after only a few years of use that the EMH Mark I is a failure, unsuitable for the practical, albeit only short-term use as a professional medical aid. Due to his numerous deficiencies, for instance the restriction to sickbay, the instability of the matrix after longer use because of too low storage capacities and problems with decision-making leading to a unresolvable feedback loop, but above all the underdeveloped human streaks of the EMH, which neither shows sympathy for its patients nor has the ability to a sensitive, patient interaction with them, all 675 installed copies of the program are gradually removed until late 2373. Against the wishes of Dr. Zimerman, they are reconfigurated for the cleaning of plasma conduits on waste transfer barges. MHN Mark I
2372-73 Dr. Zimmerman locks himself away in his laboratory on the Jupiter Station for nearly two years in order to repair all the deficiencies and defects of the EMH Mark I. Dr. Lewis Zimmerman
2373 Dr. Zimmerman gives up the hopeless, unsuccessful  improvement of the EMH Mark I and together with his team on the Jupiter Station, he starts the design of a completely new matrix for the EMH Mark II. This hologram is supposed to become a Longterm Medical Hologram for a possible permanent use, that isn't restricted to sickbay any longer. It is equipped with the basic software package of the EMH, however, it is shall be programmed with a carefully developed character and personality and sophisticated social abilities. MHN Mark II
   Stardate 50564.2 Dr. Zimmerman leaves the Jupiter Station for some weeks in order to work together with Dr. Julien Bashir on Deep Space Nine, whom he wants to use as a template for the physical and psychological profile of the EMH Mark II. He returns to the Jupiter Station as soon as he realizes that Bashir is unsuitable for this purpose. Deep Space Nine
   Stardate 51346.6 The development team around Dr. Zimmerman proceeds with the work on the EMH Mark II in the holoprogramming center of the Jupiter Station so that a practical field test can be started. For this purpose, it is installed aboard the experimental USS Promentheus, which is equipped with holographic projectors on every deck. Krankenstation der USS Prometheus
2374-76 Even after the completion of the Mark II Dr. Zimmerman is unsatisfied with the character and social interaction of his hologram, so that he and his team in the holoprogramming center in the Jupiter Station perfect the program and develop it into the Mark III and finally into the Mark IV. Dr. Lewis Zimmerman
2376 Dr. Zimmerman, the director of holographic imaging and programming on the Jupiter Station is taken ill from a mysterious subcellar degradation. Neither the medical officer of the station nor the EMHs Mark III and IV and the best doctors of Starfleet suceed in making a diagnose, let alone develop a cure.  Due to the recent breakthroughs at the Pathfinder project, Lt. Barclay, who visits the doctor aboard the Jupiter Station, can transfer the EMH Mark I of the USS Voyager from the Delta Quadrant to the station. Lt. Barclay and Counselor Deanna Troi, who flies from the USS Enterprise-E to the Jupiter Station, can help Zimmerman to overcome his aversion to the "failed" EMH Mark I and to let the EMH cure him with Borg regeneration techniques. Dr. Zimmerman und Lt. Barclay

Dr. Zimmerman und Counselor Troi

Dr. Zimmerman und das MHN der Voyager