




This section offers some of the most exciting desktop wallpapers for download you may find in the internet - complex combinations of retouched portraits, collages, photomontages and/or computer-generated images created by the webmaster, which are avaiable in high quality for the most common screen resolutions (800x600 and 1024x768).

Note: Of course the pictures presented may only be used on your own computer (as a wallpaper) and must not be published in the internet or other digital media without the author's permission.

Star Trek Art (18)


Star Trek Art  

"Trek Raider" "Odd couple" (TOS) "These Are the Voyages... 1" (TNG)
800x600 pixels (246 KB) 800x600 pixels (190 KB) 800x600 pixels (175 KB)
1024x768 pixels (391 KB) 1024x768 pixels (267 KB) 1024x768 pixels (253 KB)
"The Final Chapter" (DS9) "Janeway & Chakotay" (VOY) "Broken Bow" (ENT)
800x600 pixels (193 KB) 800x600 pixels (152 KB) 800x600 pixels (178 KB)
1024x768 pixels (272 KB) 1024x768 pixels (232 KB) 1024x768 pixels (259 KB)
"The Crew of the Enterprise I" (ENT) "The Crew of the Enterprise II" (ENT) "Archer, Hoshi and T'Pol" (ENT)
800x600 pixels (173 KB) 800x600 pixels (178 KB) 800x600 pixels (169 KB)
1024x768 pixels (258 KB) 1024x768 pixels (254 KB) 1024x768 pixels (242 KB)
"Hoshi Sato" (ENT) "Hoshi Sato II" (ENT) "Hoshi & Sluggo" (ENT)
800x600 Pixel (166 KB) 800x600 Pixel (158 KB) 800x600 Pixel (172 KB)
1024x768 Pixel (253 KB) 1024x768 Pixel (242 KB) 1024x768 Pixel (262 KB)
"Enterprise" (ENT) "Voyager friends I" (VOY) "Voyager friends II" (VOY)
800x600 Pixel (135 KB) 800x600 pixels (178 KB) 800x600 pixels (180 KB)
1024x768 Pixel (207 KB) 1024x768 pixels (257 KB) 1024x768 pixels (260 KB)
"Voyager friends III" (VOY) "Naomi Wildman" (VOY)
800x600 pixels (181 KB) 800x600 pixels (158 KB)
1024x768 pixels (260 KB) 1024x768 pixels (240 KB)

32 files (7.1 MB)


Copyright information

The offered pictures are partly based on screenshots and photos from "Star Trek: Voyager" and "Enterprise". The copyrights of the original material are the property of the respective holders and Paramount Pictures.

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© 1999-2002 by Star Trek Dimension / Webmaster. Last update: February 16th, 2002