Utopia Planitia Back to the Utopia Planitia overview


Utopia Planitia Station
Chimera class
Zodiac class

Utopia Planitia Models

Bradbury class
Icarus class
Borg armada

6. Borg armada

The ships of the Borg Collective have one similarity: they have a very simple shape. Combined with a texture based on the Borg cube that was redesigned for the eight feature film, the Borg fleet could be digitized in a very realistic way for Utopia Planitia. You will find the designs and specifications in these subsections:

1.1 Star Trek history
1.2 Star Trek specifications
1.3 Background data
1.4 Background development




1.2 Star Trek specifications

Borg cube

Classification Multi-mission ship of the Collective
Construction yard Unknown
Operational phase Unknown
Prototype Unknown
Further ships Unknown
Dimensions Length 3036.6m
Width 3036.6m
Height 3036.6m
Mass Unknown
Deck count Unknown
Crew complement Several hundreds of thousands drones
Transwarp Transwarp coils in all parts of the ship
Warp drive Maximum speed at least warp 9.9
Impulse drive Unknown
Armament Deflector shields
Plasma weapons


Borg sphere

Classification Scout/escape ship of the Collective
Construction yard Unknown
Operational phase Unknown
Prototype Unknown
Further ships Unknown
Dimensions Unknown
Masse Unknown
Deck count Unknown
Crew complement Several thousand drones
Transwarp Transwarp coils in all parts of the ship
Warp drive Maximum speed at least warp 9.9
Impulse drive Unknown
Armament Deflector shields
Plasma weapons


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© 1999-2001 by Star Trek Dimension / Webmaster. Last update: January 1st, 2001