Sato, Hoshi

Current status
Citizenship Earth
Domicile Enterprise NX-01
Profession Earth Star Fleet officer
    Assignment Communications officer
    Rank Ensign
    Division Science
    Assigned to Enterprise NX-01
Personal information
Species Human
Year of birth 2120s
Place of birth

Japan, Earth

Career summary
Standard Star Fleet training
2151 Ensign; Communications officer of Enterprise NX-01

Psychological profile
Strenghts High intelligence and apprehension; superior linguistic and exo-linguistic abilities; conscientious, sensitive and warm character
Weaknesses Little self-esteem and belief in her abilities; inexperience with deep space exploration and Star Fleet field tasks; fear of unusual situations and alien environments
Anomalies None
Interests Science - Alien languages and writing systems
Reading books
Curriculum vitae
Hoshi Sato is born in Japan, Earth.
As she has a natural, incredible ability of grasping languages, Hoshi decides to study Exo-Linguistics.
Being fascinated by alien languages, Hoshi joins Star Fleet and absolves the three year standard training. She specializes on communications, encryption and work with the still very fallible universal translator (UT). Adjusting the complex settings of the device, expanding it with newly discovered languages will be as much a task for her as serving as human intermediary in case of problems.
Due to her uncomfortableness regarding space travel, alien planets and life-forms, Hoshi does not join one of the Star Fleet low warp exploration ships, but takes a job as a teacher at the Amazon University in Brazil, Earth. She is giving lectures in various alien languages and their specific grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
   April When a Klingon vessel, chased by hostile Suliban, crashes on Earth and the attack on its pilot causes a diplomatic incident, Captain Jonathan Archer can convince Star Fleet and the Vulcans to let him bring the Klingon back to his homeworld. For this first, risky deep space mission with the newly developed, highly experimental "Enterprise", Archer needs the linguistic abilities of Hoshi Sato, who is regarded as the best in the field of alien languages. He visits her at university and despite her fears she finally accepts his offer and joins Archer's crew for this mission, as she is intruiged by the never before heard Klingon language. Ultimately, she has a stake in the success of the mission, as she manages to extract the necessary flight information from the Klingon's database.
The end of a risky mission full of ups and downs is a successful handover of the Klingon pilot on his homeworld Q'onoS, where a first formal first contact with the Klingon species takes place. Again Hoshi serves as a intermediary during this important event as the UT is not yet able to automatically process the difficult Klingon language. Due to the impressive outcome of Enterprise's first mission Star Fleet Command allows the crew to continue their historic mission.
   May As a result of of the previously unexpected extension of the Q'onoS mission to a full-fledged long term deep space assignment, Hoshi is not exactly happy with her permanent post as the communications officer of the NX-01. She feels wrong at this place, among the stars, in this dangerous environment dominated by freaky aliens and strange new worlds. She yearns for the safe and determined life on Earth and her old job, and only her love for alien languages is keeping her. The first, quite disastrous first contact mission of the Enterprise involving a ship of 15 dead Axanar and a powerful, merciless attacker, however, makes her change her mind, overcome her fears and self-doubts and convinces her that she is indeed a vital part of the crew and exactly at the right place to do what she can do best: establishing and maintaining contact between the crew and the unknown alien species they're encountering, by using the UT and even more often her incredible skills.